What Do Kids’ Cavities Look Like On The Front Side Of A Tooth?

Thanks to sealants and routine care, cavities are not as prevalent as they used to be. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t possible. Taking the time to pay attention to the signs can help your child get to the dentist quickly.
When kids are experiencing signs of a cavity, they may not be able to express their feelings as adults would - especially if they are young. Therefore, knowing what to look for is very beneficial.
Is it possible to look at your child’s teeth and tell them they may have a cavity? What does a cavity on the front side of a tooth look like, anyway?
Cavity Warning Signs
Let’s take a look at a few cavity warning signs that you should keep an eye out for. Remember, depending on how old your child is, verbalizing the irritation or pain may not be possible.
Toothaches and Other Pains. You can constantly check your child’s teeth and not see any signs of a cavity. Sometimes the pain and other uncomfortable sensations come before the discoloration. Cavities often cause pain in the tooth, sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures, sensitivity to sweets, and pain while chewing.
Bad Breath. If your child has bad breath, this could be the result of not brushing well or something they ate, but it could also be a sign that there is some decay going on in the mouth. If you notice chronic bad breath with your little - despite brushing and flossing - then you may want to see a dentist.
Gum Pain. Not always, but sometimes children will say that pain is hurting where there are not any teeth yet, but only gums. This gum pain could be because a tooth is getting ready to erupt. Or, it could be misinterpreted as pain in another area of the mouth. It is important to take a closer look at the teeth to see what’s going on.
Well, we know what cavities feel like - so, what does a cavity look like?
What a Cavity Looks Like
On the front side of a tooth, you may see a white spot. This is a sign that the tooth’s enamel is weakening due to the beginning stages of a cavity. As time passes and the cavity progresses, this color will begin to look more like a brownish stain on the tooth’s surface. If not addressed, the color will darken and grow in size.
Your child’s back teeth will go through the same change in color, though the dark color will begin to work its way through the grooves on the chewing side of the tooth.
It is important to get into a good routine with your child and their oral hygiene. Just because they brush and floss regularly doesn’t mean they don’t need you to take a peak and make sure they are really cleaning their teeth well. These checks are a great opportunity for you to look for any sports, discolorations, and the like so that it may be examined by the dentist sooner rather than later.
Discuss Your Cavity Concerns with Dental Partners
At Dental Partners, we work to help instill good oral hygiene habits in kids - and look to you to keep them going at home. Visiting the dentist regularly can further encourage your child to brush his or her teeth. But when signs of a cavity arise, it is time for us to take action.
Let’s work together to lead your child to a healthy, happy future of smiles. Contact our office today at 772-569-4118. Or, request an appointment online.